Let our laboratory help you choose the optimal packaging solution and validate performance before you begin shipping to consumers.
Shipping packaging supplies
Streamline your shipping costs by using the right packaging
Proper packaging for e-commerce needs to safeguard the integrity of the product until it reaches the consumer while also complying with current shipping standards and targeting minimum dimensions and weight. It should also offer consumers a pleasant unboxing experience
Our product specialists help you make the right choices by recommending the best packaging products for you.
Boxes and cartons
*Minimum order quantity required
Adhesive tapes
*Printed tape (e.g. with company logo) available for some products. This method keeps your packages secure and makes it easier for customers to identify your shipments.
Protective bags, mailers and packaging
Labels and tags
Contact our product specialists to find the solution best suited to your e-business
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Stretch Film 101
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Are shipping costs eating away your margins?
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News worthy of “Groundhog Day”?
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