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4 good reasons for performing preventive maintenance on your packaging equipment

Last update: 29 July 2019
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
Categories: Equipment, Technical

How are companies adapting to the current labour shortage? By turning to process automation and mechanization. Increased automation depends on regular maintenance of your packaging equipment. Learn more about the importance of preventive maintenance when it comes to equipment performance!

Companies have been turning to process automation and mechanization to help offset the recent shortage of skilled labour. As this increased automation extends to packaging equipment, frequent machine maintenance is more important than ever to ensure efficiency over the long term.

Regular upkeep of these capital investments helps to keep productivity at optimal levels. It also helps minimize the risk of having issues arise that could slow or otherwise compromise production rates.

Here are 4 excellent reasons for registering for a preventive maintenance program:

1. Save time and money

Preventive shutdowns may create short-term inconvenience in a production chain, but that is nothing compared to the downtime caused by a packaging equipment malfunction. When unforeseen production stoppages occur, service calls to repair the affected equipment on an emergency basis are often more costly.

With scheduled preventive maintenance, your production department can schedule service visits at a more convenient time.

Preventive maintenance also helps to minimize errors as well as damage to your products. In addition, using a stretch film wrapping machine helps to limit variations in pre-stretching that can lead to higher film consumption and drive costs up.

2. Improved efficiency and maximum reliability

Preventive maintenance helps minimize the likelihood of serious problems that could slow or otherwise compromise production rates.

It ensures periodic verification of equipment parameters to ensure that proper wrapping practices are being followed.

It also provides confirmation that your film and equipment are delivering maximum performance while maintaining the reliability of your wrapping processes. Finally, equipment maintenance maximizes the service life of your machines.

3. Reduced environmental footprint

Close monitoring of a wrapping machine’s pre-stretch ratio ensures optimal film consumption as well as lower rejection rates for reduced consumption overall.

Preventive maintenance also reduces waste caused by inferior packaging through optimal use of the time and resources allocated to production and transportation.

4. Enhanced safety

By performing regular preventive maintenance, you are ensuring that your equipment remains in good operating condition and safe for your employees to use.

Equipment subject to regular maintenance is less likely to experience technical malfunctions such as film breaking or jamming in the carriage, thereby reducing the risk of operator injury.

While performing preventive maintenance, technicians take time to check all power and safety features to ensure that they are functioning properly. Technicians also carry out more in-depth inspections to look for any potential hazards associated with use of your equipment.


Did you know that preventive maintenance 3 times a year reduces the risk of equipment issues?

By entrusting the regular maintenance of your equipment to us, you can be assured that it is always running in top shape! Whether you use a stretch or shrink film wrapping machine, case sealer, strapping machine or case erector, periodic maintenance is strongly recommended.

Contact our experienced technical team today or visit the packaging equipment maintenance section of our website.

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