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For local leaders, packaging is a cost-control and competitiveness issue – an incredible opportunity to prevent damage and waste, reduce handling and required space, not to mention significantly increase customer satisfaction.
In this section, CARTIER commits to sharing with you the know-how of its team, recognized throughout the industry for its commitment to entrepreneurs and passion for innovation. Convincing case studies, reviews of innovations, market trend analyses – browse through our articles as you see fit and sign up for our monthly newsletter so you don’t miss anything. Our expertise could take you even further!
Categories: Culture & Innovation, Écoresponsabilité
Adopting eco-responsible packaging is also an opportunity for innovation and differentiation. Because in the future, packaging that fails to take its impact into account may no longer have a place on shelves or in supply chains.
Categories: Culture & Innovation, Écoresponsabilité
EPR: for what, for who, how and CARTIER’s contribution… We tell you all about this recycling revolution, and we’ll be happy to help you comply!
Categories: Écoresponsabilité, Laboratory
In addition to responding to different requests and constraints, our team is committed to always keeping eco-responsibility in mind, enabling our customers to reduce their components, their costs and their GHGs – yes, their GHGs!
Categories: Products
The time of year when online orders explode is coming! Fortunately, CARTIER is here to support you and lower your stress level. How can we help? By providing you with exactly the boxes and shipping packaging you need, and by optimizing your shipments.
Categories: Culture & Innovation
We can really count on all these fantastic people who have a clear objective: to give you access to a REAL customer experience and find a solution to your problems BEYOND your expectations.
“We’re very proud to have been named one of Canada’s Best Managed Companies. This success represents the culmination of many years of constant effort to set ourselves apart.”
Categories: Culture & Innovation
CARTIER Packaging is pleased to announce today three new key nominations to its team, emphasizing its commitment to developing internal talent and recognizing excellence.
Categories: Écoresponsabilité, Products
Les marques qui choisissent le PCR contribuent à fortement réduire les déchets dans les décharges. Eh oui: opter pour le PCR, c’est diminuer l’extraction de matière première naturelle non renouvelable, et donc amoindrir l’impact sur les écosystèmes.
Categories: Culture & Innovation, Écoresponsabilité
The environment at the heart of our actions: this has always been our approach to our industry! But the time has come to find out if we have walked the talk… And we have! The strategies we have implemented over the past have paid off.